Tuesday, August 26, 2008

in-tunnel advertising

I saw a mention of in-tunnel advertising on TV some time back and it's worth a mention here too.

In tunnel advertising is the newest thing to hit the market is already being used by Kotak in the Delhi metro.

What is in-tunnel advertising
It is advertising inside tunnels where neatly lined and lit up screens provide a moving picture experience to those sitting inside the train.

More about it here.

Of course people are already complaining about how marketers never leave them alone. I for one am thankful for the entertainment it offers during the commute. For once the men will be distracted by the advertising and stop staring at women passengers. No?


  1. Wow, interesting. What will they come up with next ?
    I think it would actually be interesting to watch these kind of advertisements. I don't remember seeing anything like this at the Delhi Metro though, or maybe I was busy looking at the women passengers ;)

  2. to the last question....NO....certainly not. :D

  3. @ sharninder and conformist: Urgh. what does one have to do to stop the staring dammit!

  4. Whoa !!! Unbelievable! I wonder what they'll do to top this....
