Tuesday, September 2, 2008

You know you’re in the corporate world when…

1. You start to look forward to the weekend from Monday itself

2. Repeating someone else’s idea louder than them, makes it your own

3. Saying polite hellos in the washroom is actually required

4. You’re giving ‘downloads’ at meetings instead of just ‘talking’

5. You smile and say your hellos to everyone and it’s called ‘networking’

6. You have to book a room 2 days in advance if a few of you just want to meet up and chat

7. The louder you talk, the more confident you seem and nobody tells you to keep it down

8. If you are upset you’re actually ‘stressed out’

9. Nobody bothers you if you have a scary looking excel sheet on your computer

10. You look happy and people wonder if you’re in denial


  1. Never knew I was in the corporate world ;P

  2. corporate world....also deals with too much of office politics!!

  3. 11. You dont talk to people, you "Sync Up"
    12. You dont agree to talk after meetings, you "take it offline"
    13. You are not busy, you have "no bandwidth left"
    14. You're a self righteous bastard.
    15. See 14.

  4. @ saurabh: u bet our world fits right in too :)

    @ poulomi: politics... now that's a new post altogether :)

    @ saad: how could i forget the all important 'bandwidth'! thanks for pointing that out :)

  5. Glad to know I'm only half a corprate.. although, based on your post, most of the people in Scotland would become corporates :D
