Thursday, August 14, 2008 - 'get me out of here'

Friends don't come through for us all the time.

When we need to be saved from a sticky situation and tell a friend to give us an emergency call to get us away, chances are the friend will already be on the phone with her boyfriend and will forget about you.

So then why not just eliminate the friend altogether ... in this situation only and of course i don't mean eliminate eliminate.

Enter A service that lets you set a time for your escape call. getmooh then calls you at the specified time and plays a voice recording which by the way you can select.

So it sounds great and I've sent one for 11:01 today (IST? GMT?). Let's see what happens. Though I must admit, I got a rather blank page after I set it all up.

Hope I get the call, else they just fooled me into giving away my mobile number for some evil marketer's evil purposes. *fingers crossed*

Update. To answer all the people who've been asking me if I got the call... I have not received the call yet (sigh). I'm guessing it runs on a different timezone. Will keep everyone updated.
Final Update. Okay so I never received a call. if anyone else tries it out and it actually works, lemme know.


  1. So, did you get the call? .. and just in case you wondered, we do know each other

  2. @ avionic spanker: No I havent received any call yet.
    Though ofcourse when I registered I did receive an sms from them.
    Hoping against hope that I'll receive a call once it's 11:01 in some (any) other time zone.

    Umm... and I couldn't figure out how we know each other. *hint* *hint*

  3. This is too good to be true! They should come up with an outlook plugin so that I can set it all up to free up a busy schedule :D
