Sunday, June 1, 2008

the microsite invasion

Want to do a promo?
Want to engage the customer?
Simply don't know what to do online?

Do a microsite. D-uh!

With millions of microsites floating around it's obviously an idea that client's are willingly accepting.

While a microsite's great for..
1. creating some short term buzz
2. providing some superficial brand experience
3. encouraging a reluctant client to step into the digital space
4. an emergency pitch

One should really watch out for..
1. Non-WOM-ability (non-viralability)
2. Flash games and things in which we've forced the brand
3. Requirement for major offline support

I’m not saying I hate microsites. But is that all digital’s good for? Virals and microsites?

While they surely gets the numbers and are perfect for short term brand promos and experiences, one can't help feel that it's a short cut solution that's so easy that we don't bother taking the bigger leap.

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