Thursday, February 12, 2009

Tips From The Pits - Part 1

As a marketer you'll often come across some amazing marketing tactic employed by a local brand that clearly the marketing bigwigs are missing out on.

So Tips From The Pits will hopefully be a series (I hope to find more). And no, by 'pits' I don't mean that these companies or brands are bad, just that they're small timers who can probably teach us more than a thing or two.

Tizen Mens wear

I came across this ad in the local train that I travel to work by every day.


I was a bit far from the poster so the image isn't too clear, but here is what it actually says...
"SMS Tizen  to 56677. Example Tizen dadar to 56677"

This is why this one poster is just fantabulous

1. They know that men in the first class cabin of the train have a lot of time to kill during their long mumbai commutes. So they'll read my poster.

2. People who travel by locals generally prefer that mode alone and are more likely to visit shops/outlets that are close to a railway station. So why not give them info about my closest shop with respect to a railway station.

3. I can't list down all of my outlets, besides people aren't going to remember it all anyway, so let me tell them only what they need. Let me ask them for their preferred station.

4. Of course I wouldn't want them to forget the details so I'll just sms it to them

I don't know how many people have been to a Tizen showroom because of the poster, but I did send Tizen an sms. I know their address in Mulund now. It's stored in my phone because I have a lot of internal memory and don't need to delete every message as it comes (prolly the same for us all). So if tomorrow you ask me for a men's wear outlet in mulund, I might just forward the msg to you.

Or you could just sms tizen to 56677 :)

PS: I saw some cool jugaad tricks to get your business going, here.


  1. Hi, I liked your blog and my vote goes to your blog @ contest. Wish you all the best!

  2. Hi Gopinath, thank you :) I wasn't aware that I was even in the running!
