Friday, December 19, 2008

A PR story?

I have no clue what this new milk brand (Sach) in the market is (see image). I've been away from the net/newspaper etc lately. But I did go to Big Bazaar and see this new milk with Sachin's photo and signature on it.

Is it PR or just a coincidence that there has been news of an award to Sachin for his good health and his love for milk before a match?
"tendulkar likes hot milk with turmeric before a match"
"Sachin Tendulkar is healthiest and happiest person in India"
"Milk is the secret of Sachin's fitness"

Maybe it's pure coincidence or have I become too cynical?


  1. Yeah I know someone who's gonna switch to sach!! Btw LOVE the pic of the rings n all :). Very very pretty looking :)

  2. Sach is the line of sports/heanth products, accessories and equipment, Sachin and Future Group announced last year.

  3. Read more about Sach's market position in the recent article on agencyfaqs

  4. Hey Sonal,

    Sach is a generic brand name for some 1000000 products that Mr. Biyani and Sachin are planning. You just saw the milk. You would have missed the t-shirts, sports good etc. And its the beginning of the private label industry ;P


  5. @ Ravi
    @ Kapil
    @ s4ur4bh

    I guess I should be reading more :) And with future group involved, I'm pretty sure this IS indeed a PR story :)
