Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Cuddle Party: everyone's invited

While we're busy turning all our phones, watches, TVs to touch screens, some people have decided that enough is enough. They would just like simple human touch please!

While people are busy debating if these non-sexual stranger-hugging-n-cuddling parties are creepy or cool, those attending are fulfilling their need for human touch.

I suppose we've shut ourselves out from the world so much, that we yearn to find comfort in anyone's arms, even it means attending a weird stranger-hugging party...

For those interested, visit

1 comment:

  1. first, wah kya naam hai..'gadgety gat gat'. it's brilliant. (or as master yoda would have said 'brilliant it is.')
    about cuddle parties. interesting idea there. i am just amazed by the acute loneliness that must have lead to starting this. the other other day, i saw 2 guys going around with tightly clutched hands. these needn't be gay men. they just were people, in need of some belongingness.
